Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Sopa De Bolitas De Harina

Spanish Transcription

Le pone en la tabla de amasar una tasa chica de harina con 1/2 cucharadita de •Royal; un huevo, una cucharada de mantequilla, y una poquita de leche, Se amasa todo, se deja reposar un rato; se forma con la masa un rollo delgadito que se rebana con un cuchillo, deben quedar pedacitos muy chiquitos; se frien en manteca muy caliente, se doran bién y ya se tienen en la sopera vaciandoles encima el caldo preparada como las anteriors, se sirve enseguida para que no se remojen mucho las bolitas.

English Translation

Put on a pastry board a small cup of flour with 1/2 teaspoon of *Royal; an egg, a tablespoon of butter, and a little milk. Knead all, let it rest a while; form or shape the dough into a very thin roll that you cut with a knife, the little pieces should be very small. Fry them in very hot lard, brown them well. You already have broth prepared as before in a deep soup pot (tureen), empty the fried pieces on top of the broth.

Prepare the broth as before and serve immediately so the pieces don’t soak too long.

Note: •Royal es una marca de polvo de hornear. *Royal is brand of baking powder. Refer to the first recipe (Sopa de espinaca) to see how to prepare a basic broth used for all soups.

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