Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Empanadas De Pescado-Fish Empanadas

Spanish Transcription

Una poca de masa como para tortillas se le dá una pasada en el metate poniéndole una poca de sal, y un camote cocido, o una poca de harina, pues con cualquiera de estas cosas queda la masa mas suave y de mejor sabor. Se hacen tortillas y se le pone en el centro al siguiente relleno: Un trozo de pecado limpio y después de haberle puesto limón y sal, se fríe a que quede bien doradito, se deja enfriar y se le quita el pellejo y las espinas dejándolo un pedacitos muy chiquitos, en un sartén se fríe en aceite, bastante jitomate, ajo, cebolla y perejil picado, Cuando esta frito se le pone el pescado, aceitunas, alcaparras, y chiles guachinangos en vinagre, sazonandolo con sal, pimienta y vinagre, con esto se llenan las tortillas se doblan pregandole las orillas y se fríen en manteca muy caliente. 

* Cuantos para las empanadas que siguen: 500 gramos de manteca, 1 cucharada rasada de sal, 1 chuchara rasada de tequesquite.

English Translation

A little dough like for tortillas, give it a pass in the •metate putting a little salt, and a cooked sweet potato, or a little flour, well with whatever of those things that keep the dough soft and of the best flavor. Make some tortillas and put them in the center following the stuffing: 

Take a piece of clean fish and after having put lime and salt, fry it until it is well browned, let it cool and take out the spines leaving small pieces. 

In a pot, fry in oil, plenty of chopped tomato, garlic, onion and parsley. When it is fried, put the fish, olives, capers and guachinango chilis in vinegar. Season it with salt, pepper and vinegar. With this mixture fill the tortillas and fold them stuffing them to the edge. Fry them in very hot lard.

* Quantities for the empanadas are as follow: 500 grams of lard, 1 spoonful of salt, 1 level spoonful of ••tequesquite.

• A metate is a flat stone for grinding corn.

••Tequesquite is a natural mineral salt used in Mexico since the pre-Hispanic times mainly as a food seasoning. Chemically it is an alkaline rock composed of various minerals, mainly of sodium bicarbonate and common salt (sodium chloride). It also contains potassium carbonate, sodium sulfate and clay. Its appearance is similar to that of common table salt in coarseness, but with a more greyish color.

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