Friday, July 21, 2017

Terminos De Cocina-Maria Areizaga de Paredes-My grandmother

Spanish Transcription
Terminos de cocina

Los principales términos de cocina son:

Aspicar: Por jugo de limón o vinagre en salsas, gelatinas, jugos etc.

Aspir: Mangar, fiambre compuesta de tiras de ave, pescado a caza con trufas y otras guarniciones, en jelatinas transparente que se cuajan en moldes o sirven para decoradas.

Atar Embriar: Sujetan con un hilo fuente las carnes o miembros de aves para que asarlos o cocer los conserven su forma que han de tener.

Bañar: Estender sobre carnes y otras manjares una capa de jugos o salsas para darles mejor apariencias.

Baño Maria- Water Bath: Calentar o cocer en baño de Maria un manjares es ponerlos en una vasija que no este en contacto immediato con el fuego, sino metida dentro de otra que se llena de agua y se calienta o hierve a voluntad.

Blanquear: Es poner en agua hirviendo, durante determinado tiempo, carnes, pescados, verduras etc. para extraer de este modo sus partes acreas o colorante para facilitar el pelarlos. 

Brasear:  Es cocer a fugo lento en una cacerola apropósito un trozo de carne, se cubre hermeticamente poniendole fuego encima o se mete al horno.

Cinchar: Es poner hielo en la garrafa o acomodar la sorbetera de modo que quede bien apretado agregando sal o salitre. 

Clarificar: Se llama así la operación que tiene por objeto hacer limpidas  las jaletinas caldos etc.

Clavetear: Es colocar en aves o carnes o unos clavos formados de trufas, lenga escarlata, jamón etc. en unos ajugeros hechos con cuchillos o ajugas de mechar.

Croquetas: Silindros de arroz, papas, aves o pescado que se rebosan y frien.

Chamuscar: Es pasar toda clase de aves y piezas de caza por encima de la llama de un fuego fuerte para que queden bién limpios.

Escaldar: Sumergir en aguas hierviendo un ave o animal cualquiera para pelarlo mas fácilmente.

Gratinar: Cocer los manjares a dos fuegos o al horno para que queden cubiertos de una capa dorada.

Grumas: Las bolsas que se forman con las harinas y otras substancias cuando se cuecen y no se mueven convenientemente. 

Guarnición: Se llama así todo lo que sirve para decorar o guarnecer los platillos.

Moldear: Forman en un molde una capa de masa crema o jaletina y que forma después la capa exterior. 

Macerar: Poner pescados, carnes o aves durante determinado tiempo con vinagre o limón y sal para impregnarlos or ablandarlos. 

Rebosar:  Es cubrir con huevo algunos manjares para después freirlos en alguna grasa.

Salsear: Es poner por encima de carnes, pescados, etc., la salsa que corresponde.

Trabajar:  Es remover por ciento tiempo las salsas o pastas con una cuchara para hacerlos mas 

English Translation

Terms of the kitchen

The principal terms of the kitchen are:

Aspicar-To mix lemon juice or vinegar in sauces, gelatines, juice, etc.

Aspir-To Pocket- Pick some cold cuts composed of shreds of poultry, fish from the hunt with ruffles and other garnishes in transparent gelatins that stick in moulds or they are served for decoration.

Atar Embriar-Fasten the meat with a thread or pieces of poultry to grill or cook. They conserve their form if this is done.

Bañar- To Bathe- To extend over meat or other delicacies, a coating of juice or salsas to give them a better appearance.

Baño Maria- Water Bath: Heat or cook delicacies in a water bath. A container is put between another container so the delicacy is not in immediate contact with the fire. The first container is filled with water and it heats or boils at will.

Blanquear-To Bleach: It’s to put in boiling water for a determined time, meats, fish, greens etc. to remove bad odors, remove excess salt, to facilitate the peeling of the food.

Brasear-To Braise: is to put to a slow fire in a casserole, by the way a piece of meat, hermetically cover putting the fire on top or put in the oven.

Cinchar-To Cinch is to put ice en a carafe or to accommodate the container to remain tight, add salt or saltpeter.

Clarificar-To Clarify: The name of the operation that has the object to clean, the gelatins, broths etc.

Clavetear- To Nail: To place poultry or meat or formed cloves of truffles, scarlet tongue, ham etc. in holes made with knives or plugs of lard.

Croqueta-Croquette: Cylinders of rice, potato, poultry or fish that are breaded and fried.

Chamuscar- To Singe:  It passes all classes of poultry and pieces of the hunt on top of a flame of a strong fire to remain well clean.

Escaldar- To Scauld: To submerge  in boiling water poultry or whatever animal in order to peal them easier.

Gratinar- Au Gratin: To cook the almond paste at two fires or the oven where they remain covered with a golden top.

Grumas-Grumas The balls that are formed with flour and other substances when they are cooked and cannot be moved conveniently.

Guarnición-To Garnish: This covers all that is used to decorate or garnish the plates.

Moldear-To Mould: To form a mould a layer of flour, creme or gelatin and form it after the exterior layer.

Macerar-To Knead and put fish, meat or poultry for a determined time with vinegar or lime and salt to drench or soak.

Rebosar- To Submerge: To cover some delicacies with egg after fry them in some grease.

Salsear- To Season: To put the corresponding salsa on top of meat, fish, etc.

Trabajar- To Work To stir the pastas or salsas for a period of time with a spoon to make it tender.

Transcription notes: I changed books for this particular task. When I first examined the book, I found no author. But then years later, I found a name for this book. It is written by my abuelita-grandma. I chose this book in particular because it gives advice about cleanliness, terms, theories and other important information related to the work in a kitchen. You can see the name at the bottom of the picture around the scribble marks-Maria Areizaga Paredes. It is under the much larger text that says the name-Issac Paredes with is my grandmother's brother-in-law. He had a store called "El Refugio" or "The Refuge." 

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Curious Postcard

A few weeks ago my sister, Kendra, received a box with letters by Tia Sara and her sister, Anita and Maria.

Tia Sara is the one on the far left, then Anita and then Maria:

None of the sisters had children and only Sara married. The postcard we found is curious because it was sent from South Dakota, addressed to Anita, and sent from "tu hijita, la gringita Gloria" which translates to "your daughter, the American Gloria." We hope to find more information about Gloria and her relationship to Anita as we go through the box of letters. 

Below is the postcard from and back:

Spanish Transcription of post card 1- French Cathedral

Brookings S. D. 11-26-1920

Adorada mamacita,

hoy lloré mucho porque no mandaste el retrato. Mala mamacita mandamelo pronto por que estoy loca por verte aunque sea en retrato. te mando mi corazon y muchos besos. Tu hijita la gringita, Gloria


Señorita Anita Paredes 

Tehuacan Puebla

English Translation of post card 1- French Cathedral

Adored mother,

Today I cried because you did not send a picture of yourself. Bad mother, send it to me quickly because I am crazy to see you although it will be in picture, I send you my heart and kisses, your daughter, the American Gloria


Miss Anita Paredes

Tehuacan, Puebla