Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Carnes Y Aves: Costillas Asadas Con Polvo De Pan-Tia Chuchi

Spanish Transcription

Carnes y Aves


Costillas Asadas, Con Polvo De Pan

Unas costillas ya sean de carnero o de puerco, Si son de esto último las deben sacar en la carnicera con parte del lomo para que queden grandes. Se les pone sal; se revuelve polvo de pan con ajos pelados y picados muy finite, perejil también picado y pimiento molida con esto se cubren bien las costillas, si son de carnero antes se les unita una poquita de manteca, si son de puerco no hace falta. Ya que se cubrieron bien con el polvo de pan, se envuelven en papel de estrasa unitado con un poquito de matequilla, se asan en la parilla y al servirse se les pone en el hueso un papelito de china picadita por una punta, asi ademas de adorno. Se puede tomar con la mano.


English Translation

Meat and Poultry


Roasted Ribs with Bread Powder


Ribs can be from mutton or pork. If they are from the latter they should be taken out at the butcher with part of the loin so that they are large.  Add salt; stir in bread powder with peeled and finely chopped garlic, parsley also minced and ground pepper with this cover the ribs well, if they are mutton add a little bit of lard, if they are from pork, it is not necessary. Cover them very well with bread powder, wrap them in brown paper, spread with a little bit of butter, roast on the grill and when served, put a piece of china paper cut at a point as well as garnish them. The ribs can be eaten with your hand.


Transcription Note: This is a recipe from my tia Chuchi. It is the first recipe in the section entitled Meat and Poultry.  She marks words at the end of a line with two dashes to indicate that the word continues on the next line.



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