Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Huevos Margarita-Eggs Margarita

Spanish Transcription

Se freien tortillas a que queden bien doraditas. Se les cubre con *huacamole preparando moliendo en el moliendo en el cajete , el **ahuacate con sal , un poquito de vinagre y chilitos verde si agradan picantes. Los huevos se ponen á cocer. Se sacan se pelan y se cortan a lo largo. Se deshacen las yemas con sal y las claras se cortan en tiritas a lo largo con las cuales se forma una margarita sobre cada. Tortillas se pueden forman la semilla sin deshace la yema sino poniéndole la mitad de la yema con el centro que se ve mas amarillo, para arriba.

English Translation

Fry tortillas until they are well browned. Cover them with guacamole prepared by mixing it in an earthenware pot. In the pot put the avocados with salt, a little vinegar and green chile if you like spicy. Boil the eggs. Take them out, peal and cut them lengthwise. Separate the whites from the yokes and put salt on the yokes. Cut the whites into little pieces lengthwise. With these form a margarita  flower over each. The tortillas form the stem without breaking the yoke. However put the tortillas in the middle of the yoke with the center of the yokes showing the most yellow on top.

*huacamole is now spelled guacamole

** ahuacate is now spelled aguacate

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